Wednesday 13 March 2024

How to Avoid a Bicycle And Pedestrian Accident In South Florida

In South Florida, most of the pedestrian and bicycle accidents are caused by negligence from a motorist or a driver who is distracted. Crashes into a pedestrian or cyclist are common. Sometimes, drivers are not able to yield at an intersection that leads to accidents. Some accidents occur while passing a runner, pedestrian or driver. Some pedestrians get careless and do not see both ways after a stop sign. Many accidents occur due to an overdose of alcohol or drugs. Some accidents are caused by street defects and vehicle collisions. Some of these collisions take place due to defective parts of the vehicle that do not function or malfunction!

What are the common types of injuries caused by bicycle and pedestrian accidents?

Most of the injuries caused by bicycle and pedestrian accidents can be severe. A worst case scenario is permanent disability!

Usually, wearing a helmet is not required in South Florida. However, most health insurance companies make it compulsory for policyholders to get one. However, wearing a helmet does not guarantee 100% safety! Some of the injuries cannot be prevented due to other larger vehicles being involved.

Some common bike accident injuries include damage to soft tissues head injuries, including skull fractures Traumatic brain injury (TBI) and injuries to the face.

What are some of the safety precautions that can be taken to avoid such accidents?

Drivers as well as pedestrians need to be extra careful. They should be aware of safety precautions. Some of the common safety measures include:
  • Wearing a helmet
  • Respecting traffic laws
  • Avoiding busy roads
  • Avoiding distractions like cellphones and listening to music
  • Using your turn signals
  • Looking carefully before making a turn
  • Using bike lights

What precautions should cyclists take?

Cycling has become overly popular in South Florida. Cyclists and drivers need to adjust their driving to heightened traffic. The vehicle speed needs to be lower when there are many bicycle and pedestrians on the road. Thus, drivers need to be more careful. There are certain streets that have been built to accommodate a high volume of traffic. However, some communities do need an update in the coming years.

What to do if injured in a bicycle or pedestrian accident?

 Right after your accident, you must seek medical treatment. Try to know the exact nature of your injuries. This way you can end up getting the right amount of treatment. Also, you can return to normal health in a relatively short period of time. You must know about any future claims that you may have for compensation. Most importantly, you will have to demonstrate that the injuries were a direct outcome of the accident in question. In case you fail to seek treatment, the opposing party's insurance companies might try to defend against your allegations.

Once you get proper medical treatment, try to reach out to an experienced South Florida personal injury lawyer to start preparing your claims. Your lawyeris the right person who can represent your interests in negotiations with the other party. Most importantly, he/she can help you recover the compensation you truly deserve. Usually, insurance companies know exactly what your claim is worth. They will try their best to avoid paying these amounts. Here is when your South Florida personal injury attorney acts as your savior! He/she will ensure that the insurance companies do not take advantage of you at such a crucial time.

When you are a driver, you need to take care of some important things. Here are some of the top safety precautions that drivers or bicyclists should take:

Knowing about Bicyclist and Pedestrian Rights

When you are a driver, you must know about bicyclist and pedestrian rights at the time of sharing the road. Also, you must understand the rights and responsibilities as well as the rules and regulations. Look into the rules that are applicable to bicyclists and pedestrians on the roads. This can help you to predict how cyclists and runners act when out on the road. Also, you learn how to react to bicyclist and pedestrian behavior.

Look into the blind spots

You mustcheckyour blind spots in order to prevent accidents. This is important for any driver. But, many drivers check their blind spots to see other cars only. They should look for pedestrians and cyclists as well!

Be aware and alert
There are some drivers who tend to go on autopilot the moment they approach their homes. They do the same when they lose their focus while driving. This causes great danger to pedestrians and bicyclists alike. While driving, you must remember that you must stay alert at all times. It does not matter how familiar you are with the locality! Also, you must stay awake while driving! Do not drive when you are overly sleepy! Just go for a short nap and then continue driving once the nap is complete.

Take pedestrians’ speed into account
Many car-bicycle accidents occur at intersections. The main cause is drivers’ failure to predict the speed at which a cyclist or runner is traveling. Make sure to err on the side of caution. You must give riders a good deal of time and space.

Do not open your door randomly
You cannot just open your car door into the path of a runner or bicyclist! In case your car is not moving, keep in mind that the door can still block a cyclist’s path. This can pretty much stop them all of a sudden. And, this might cause an accident! Also, it can injure a runner, putting them off balance. When you are a driver, you need to stay alert and aware of your surroundings.

Being a driver, you must check for pedestrians before entering or exiting a driveway. Make sure to wear sunglasses to avoid glare if the sun is reflecting on vehicles. Also, make sure to keep your windshield clean. Being a driver, you must watch for pedestrians coming out from between parked cars.

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